Laura López Aspiroz
Associate Director
MArch, ARB
Laura joined Makower Architects from Spain, where she trained at Polytechnic University of Madrid (ETSAM) before working for the prestigious Brazilian architect, Carla Juaçaba in Rio de Janeiro. Key projects include the Hospice for the Cancer Foundation in Rio de Janeiro, exhibition design for ‘Tarsila e as mulheres modernas’ in the Rio Art Museum-MAR and the competition for the IMPA expansion.
Laura has exceptional design and delivery skills that makes her an asset to project documentation. Since joining Makower Architects, Laura has led the detailed design stages to completion for West Hendon Phase 3 (Block H3,H4), West Hendon Phase 4 (Blocks H1, K1 and K2), Cheshunt (Building 03 and 04) and the Reserved Matters Application for West Hendon’s Phase 4, Phase 5 and 6. West Hendon Phase 4 Blocks H1 was shortlisted for the RIBA London Awards 2024.
She has also led the delivery stages of West Hendon Phase 4 (Blocks H2 and M) and West Hendon Phase 5 (Blocks A, C and G). Most of them are now on site and will be completed over the next two years.